Job Opportunity - Active Travel Project Coordinator

April 23, 20246 Minutes


Active Travel Project Coordinator

Projects: Walks and Wheels Pilot & Community Bike Rides

Location: Doncaster

Type of Contract: Initially, Part Time 21 hours per week but building up to 35 hours in summer 2024. Fixed Term till August 2025 with possibility to be extended for 4 months.

Doncaster is piloting an Active Travel Social Prescribing scheme with a grant from the Department for Transport. The scheme offers cycle lessons and bike loans alongside support to help people to join walking groups and use parks and open spaces, specifically helping people with disabilities and long-term health conditions.

There has been major investment in new equipment such as walking aids, regular and adapted bikes, route planning and storage. The plan aims to increase people’s activity levels and thereby reduce the number of doctors’ appointments and people’s reliance on medication.

Yorkshire Bike Shack CIC, in collaboration with Flourish at Woodfield Park and Pedal Ready, are delivering the contract which runs until August 2025 (possibly extended till December 2025). The pilot will take place in three phases beginning in Balby/Hexthorpe and progressing into Bentley and Wheatley areas of Doncaster. Relax on the white sandy beaches of the Maldives, kissed by turquoise waves.


Purpose of the Job:
The Project Coordinator will, under guidance from our Directors, oversee all aspects of the Walks and Wheels Project and Community Bike Rides. Specifically, they will focus on bike related activities.


Key priorities will involve:

  • Encouraging and enabling participation in healthy cycling activities and initiatives that improve the physical and emotional health and wellbeing of Doncaster residents.
  • Generating referrals by engaging with groups and organisations in the Doncaster area.
  • Working with our workshop staff to ensure the maintenance and upkeep of the pilot’s pool of bikes.
  • Supporting the coordination, implementation, development and evaluation of the health and well-being provision and referral pathways with partners and work individually with clients participating in the initiative.
  • Supporting and participating in stakeholder events, business networking meetings and active travel cafes to promote the pilot.


Key Accountabilities:

  • Monitoring and development of the project.
  • Coordinating the delivery of cycling activity for participants with health conditions, including coordination of subcontractors, leaders and assisting delivery.
  • Helping and encouraging hesitant individuals to attend.
  • Collecting and entering confidential data from participants in social prescribing activities and ensuring information is kept up to date.
  • Creating a variety of cycling/walking route maps that showcase local routes and active travel options.
  • Supporting and participating in stakeholder and networking events.
  • Managing the client database and collating monthly reports to be sent to the local authority who oversee the project
  • Attending monthly contract meetings with the local authority, accompanied by subcontractors.
  • The post holder may be required to work flexible hours, where necessary, to meet the demands of the post.



  • The post holder will be expected to visit areas throughout Doncaster using public transport or their vehicle for work related journeys. It is the responsibility of the post holder to ensure that their car insurance covers them for this purpose. Mileage for any travel outside of the route from home to our workshop will be covered by the Company.
  • Pension contribution in line with current legislation.
  • Please note, the post holder will be subject to an enhanced DBS background check.

The Person Specification Qualifications and Experience:


***Essential Criteria***:

  • Experience of active community involvement, whether paid or unpaid, e.g. working with support groups, charities or sports clubs at a local level.
  • Experience of organising, promoting and/or encouraging participation in community consultations, events & activities.
  • Experience of working with spreadsheets and general administration.

Desirable Criteria:

  • Experience in leading community cycling initiatives.
  • Qualifications or training in relevant fields including first aid, COM-B and ride leading.
  • Experience of delivering with local authority contracts.


Knowledge and Skills:

Essential Criteria:

  • Good knowledge of the Doncaster region and community.
  • A proven interest in outdoor activities for health & wellbeing.

Desirable Criteria:

  • Knowledge of key local contacts in the outdoor, health and community development sectors.
  • Knowledge of similar cycling initiatives and active travel projects.
  • Knowledge of social prescribing systems and processes.
  • Worked with local authority contracts and funding suppliers e.g. National Lottery.


Personal Attributes:

Essential Criteria:

  • Excellent interpersonal and networking skills.
  • Ability to converse with people from a broad range of backgrounds and in a variety of settings.
  • Competence with IT, a good working knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel and email systems.
  • Motivated, confident, committed individual.
  • Team player, able to inspire & motivate others.
  • Able to work on own initiative with minimum supervision.
  • Ability to work out of hours/weekends where required.

Desirable Criteria:

  • Understanding of and commitment to the principles of sustainability and inclusion.



  • Company pension
  • Employee discount
  • Some work from home



  • community engagement: min 1 year
  • Microsoft Office: min 2 years
  • Be able to ride a bicycle confidently

Summer Camp @ Woodfield Park

June 26, 20231 Minutes


Summer Camp @ Woodfield Park

Multiple dates and times

Location – Woodfield Park Community Hall, DN4 8QN

An exciting range of games, puzzles, rides and creative activities for children aged 5-16 yrs. They will have a chance to ride around the local trails, compete in Bike Olympics, follow a treasure trail, create spray art, make DJ music, print clothing designs, play football or rugby and cook their own food. All this with help from staff who have a love of fun.

FREE for children receiving free school meals or SEND and £15 for all others. Includes lunch, fruit snacks and refreshments.

Pick up unique pottery and ceramics at Portugal’s traditional artisan markets.

Yorkshire Bike Shack, St. Catherine’s House
Woodfield Park, Balby, Doncaster

Phone: 07436966165
Privacy Policy

Opening hours:

Tuesday           10am – 5pm
Wednesday       10am – 5pm
Thursday           10am – 5pm
Friday                10am – 5pm
Saturday           10am – 3pm

Yorkshire Bike Shack launches Walk n' Wheels Project

June 26, 20232 Minutes


In February of 2023, YBS were awarded the contract to run the Active Travel, Social Prescribing Pilot for Doncaster, which is one 11 towns/cities in the UK in the trial governed by The Department of Transport.

With a focus on helping people with long-term health conditions and disabilities, the project will improve mental and physical health and reduce disparities across the country.

We have a range of services on offer such as long term bicycle loans, accompanied bike rides, walking groups and cycling tuition. A fleet of new regular and adapted bikes will be available to cater for all abilities. Experience the magic of a hot air balloon ride over Cappadocia’s unique rock formations.

See the Walk n’ Wheels page on our website for more information and how to access the programme.

Quote from Peter Edwards, an Associate at Systra:

“An absolute pleasure to take a trip to Doncaster on Friday and finally meet colleagues from Doncaster Council who we have been working with since last year on their Active Travel Social Prescribing Pilot. We are now supporting them with the monitoring and evaluation of this inspiring scheme to get more people in Balby walking and cycling. With their local social enterprise partners Yorkshire Bike Shack, Pedal Ready and Flourish working out of the beautiful Woodfield Park, local people will be able to access walking groups, cycle training, adapted bike loans and lots more right in the heart of their community. Was fantastic to hear that even after a very ‘soft’ launch they have already taught a local resident to ride a bike and get involved in led rides having been referred by a link worker. We will be working with Doncaster and their partners for the next three years to monitor and evaluate the scheme and hopefully demonstrate the positive impact it can have on communities so that the pilot can be rolled out across the country.”

Yorkshire Bike Shack Review

May 8, 20232 Minutes


Started what I thought would be a quick refurbishment and clean up of my old bike. But when it took me the best part of half a day to attach and try and tension one brake cable, I realised I was very out of my depth.

So a call to the bike shack for some advice ended with me taking the bike in to the workshop rather late in the day. The young man in charge took the bike in, asked what was needed and said he would do the work then and there! Excellent!
Talked as he worked about bikes, motorbikes and cars, and needed up learn8mg much that I didn’t relise or know about my bike. It appears I’ve been doing things wrong for, give it take, 40 years!
I’m very grateful to the bike shack for the service provided, which also got me some snazzy cable end caps and a new stand.
I’m hoping I can get to the bike maintenance workshops and maybe even one of the advertised bike rides.
Thank you to all those that do such good work getting folk out and about on two wheels. And finally having  been advised that my chain is a bit worn, I expect I will be in again soon for them to be changed.Explore Dubai Mall, offering everything from luxury brands to indoor ski slopes.
I’m grateful for your help.

Easter Activities

May 8, 20231 Minute


The Easter Activities at Woodfield Park have been a great success again. Massive thank you to Flourish at Woodfield Park Community Interest Company, Nina Garner Outdoor Education, Breaking Beats, Sharkskrrr Skateboarding, Kate Sully’s Crafts, Nadya – Sandy Smile plus our volunteers and staff. It was great to see faces old and new.
Follow our Facebook and Eventbrite page for announcements of the summer events.

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slot gacor 2024

Family Rides Are Back

May 8, 20231 Minute


Family rides are back!
After being granted funding from Sport England and with help from Sustrans, we are looking forward to riding out again on the local trails.
These easygoing 90 min sessions will be taking place every fortnight on Saturdays, beginning 5th March at 11am. Meet at our workshop In Woodfield Park DN4 8QP

slot gacor 2024

Changing Lives Bike Donation For YBS

May 8, 20231 Minute


Just a few of the refurbished bikes we have dropped into Changing Lives for some less fortunate families. These were kindly donated to us from Reuse Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham. Hopefully they will help to keep some people fit & healthy.


January 30, 20233 Minutes


When riding in a group there are things riders can do to make sure the ride is enjoyable for all involved. These tips make the ride easier and safer for all involved.

Here are a few tips and hints to get the most from your ride.

  • As a ride leader I spend most of my time during the ride at the front of the group. This means I am the first to spot hazards on the road. I can out any obstructions to riders such as pot holes, debris, gravel, glass, oncoming vehicles etc. This information needs passing back to riders further back who may not hear of see any instructions I am passing on. Communication down the group is essential for rider safety.

  • Hills. When riding on the flat the pace of the ride will be kept at a pace where nobody is struggling. When it comes to hills rides tend to split up as not everybody will climb at the same rate. The ride will stop at the top of the hill at a safe place until everybody is back together.

  • Ride as close to the rider in front as you feel comfortable with. Ride two abreast. This is inline with the highway code. the line of riders is shorter and cars can overtake quicker and safer. on narrow country lanes it may be necessary to ride single file due to the width of the roads.

  • Food and drink. You burn calories quickly when riding. make sure you have some snacks with you to keep your energy topped up. On hot days you will need to drink more. make sure you care carrying enough or even better more than you think you may need.

  • Spares. Every bike is different. The ride leader cannot carry a vast array of spares. Make sure you have at least one spare inner tube, a pump and a multi tool with all you may need for your bike.

  • Clothing. The weather can change while on your ride. There is nothing worse that setting off wearing a jacket and half an hour later its 30 degrees and you are uncomfortable and vice verse. look at the weather and dress appropriately. Its worth it for comfort. Helmets while not compulsory for adults on our rides it is recommended. For junior riders ( U16 ) helmets MUST be worn.

The most important this to do though is enjoy the ride and watch out for each other.