In the UK over 46% of people over 5 years old have a bike (recent Cycling UK survey). From our experience we reckon at least 60% of them are unused!
If you have an unused bike or cycling equipment please consider donating it to Yorkshire Bike Shack. Approximately 50% of these bikes are given to people on low incomes, homeless or refugees. The other 50% are either used for parts or completely refurbished by students or volunteers and made available for sale to cover project costs.
If you would like to donate a bike or bike equipment:
Please use the email form on this link with your details and what you would like to donate, then we will contact you to arrange a time for dropping off donations at the workshop or we can collect from your home.
If you would like to donate money:
Money donations are gratefully appreciated to help cover our annual overheads e.g. insurance, website fees, workshop tools, etc.
Yorkshire Bike Shack, St. Catherine’s House
Woodfield Park, Balby, Doncaster
Phone: 07436966165
Privacy Policy
Opening hours:
Tuesday 10am – 5pm
Wednesday 10am – 5pm
Thursday 10am – 5pm
Friday 10am – 5pm
Saturday 10am – 3pm