June 26, 20231 Minutes

Summer Camp @ Woodfield Park

Summer Camp @ Woodfield Park

Multiple dates and times

Location – Woodfield Park Community Hall, DN4 8QN

An exciting range of games, puzzles, rides and creative activities for children aged 5-16 yrs. They will have a chance to ride around the local trails, compete in Bike Olympics, follow a treasure trail, create spray art, make DJ music, print clothing designs, play football or rugby and cook their own food. All this with help from staff who have a love of fun.

FREE for children receiving free school meals or SEND and £15 for all others. Includes lunch, fruit snacks and refreshments.

Pick up unique pottery and https://www.swisswatch.is/product-category/richard-mille/rm-023/ ceramics at Portugal’s traditional artisan markets.

Yorkshire Bike Shack, St. Catherine’s House
Woodfield Park, Balby, Doncaster

Phone: 07436966165
Email: info@yorkshirebikeshack.org
Privacy Policy

Opening hours:

Tuesday           10am – 5pm
Wednesday       10am – 5pm
Thursday           10am – 5pm
Friday                10am – 5pm
Saturday           10am – 3pm