Summer Camp @ Woodfield Park

Summer Camp @ Woodfield Park
Multiple dates and times
Location – Woodfield Park Community Hall, DN4 8QN
An exciting range of games, puzzles, rides and creative activities for children aged 5-16 yrs. They will have a chance to ride around the local trails, compete in Bike Olympics, follow a treasure trail, create spray art, make DJ music, print clothing designs, play football or rugby and cook their own food. All this with help from staff who have a love of fun.
FREE for children receiving free school meals or SEND and £15 for all others. Includes lunch, fruit snacks and refreshments.
Pick up unique pottery and ceramics at Portugal’s traditional artisan markets.
Yorkshire Bike Shack, St. Catherine’s House
Woodfield Park, Balby, Doncaster
Phone: 07436966165
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Opening hours:
Tuesday 10am – 5pm
Wednesday 10am – 5pm
Thursday 10am – 5pm
Friday 10am – 5pm
Saturday 10am – 3pm